Does Choosing Hospice Mean Giving Up?

Does Choosing Hospice Mean Giving Up?

November is National Home Care & Hospice Month. The most common myth about hospice is that it means a patient is “giving up hope” to live. Choosing to have hospice care, is actually the opposite of giving up. Hospice is choosing a philosophy of care that focuses...
I’m a Caregiver and I’m Worn Out!

I’m a Caregiver and I’m Worn Out!

Providing care for an aging or disabled loved one is hard work. It’s also a labor of love, but it’s still labor and even the best caregivers get tired and reach their limit. You can’t provide good care if you don’t take care of yourself.  That isn’t...

Avoid Caregiver Burnout

Caregivers often give their all to loved ones needing help. But the hard work of tending to the needs of others takes a toll. How can caregivers find that refreshing well to draw from? Is there a way to refill when that well is low? One of the signs that a caregiver...
Choosing Hospice Care

Choosing Hospice Care

Saying goodbye when a loved one is seriously ill can seem unbearable. But your loved one doesn’t have to suffer unnecessarily. Instead of continuing painful and tiresome treatments until their last moments, care can be focused on quality of life. CHP Hospice is here...
What is a “Hospice Graduate”?

What is a “Hospice Graduate”?

It’s highly unusual for hospice patients to “recover.” The diseases that prompt people to come into hospice in the first place are conditions that by definition are not curable. However, it’s not uncommon for patients to experience stabilization of their condition—and...