Monitoring Blood Pressure

\"\"Hypertension, better known as high blood pressure, affects millions globally.  Many can’t tell if they have hypertension since there aren’t many symptoms. But if left untreated, high blood pressure can damage arteries and vital organs.  This can lead to heart disease, stroke, diabetes, kidney disease and even death.  CHP Home Care & Hospice can help you monitor high blood pressure.


Working toward a healthy weight may be the most effective way to avoid high blood pressure and to lower blood pressure.  Be aware of your waistline as too much weight around your waist can also be a contributor to higher blood pressure.

  • Men are at risk if their waist measurement is greater than 40 inches.
  • Women are at risk if their waist measurement is greater than 35 inches.


Making healthy eating choices can also help to lower your blood pressure along with improving you overall health.  Some healthy tips that everyone should consider especially if you have high blood pressure

  • Limit portion sizes
    • The size of your palm should be your serving of meat while your fist should be a serving of vegetables.
  • Eat slowly and listen to your body-if you eat too fast you can overeat
  • Read food labels to check sodium levels and if you can find a healthier option
  • Try to limit processed and fast foods such as pizza, bread, cakes and burgers
  • Increase the amount of fruits and vegetables in your diet
    • Eat a rainbow of colors ranging from greens to blueberries


Becoming more active throughout your daily life can also improve your overall health along with your blood pressure.  Just ten minutes of activity a day can help lower your blood pressure.

Simple changes you can make:

  • Go for a walk at lunch
  • Take the stairs instead
  • Park your car in a spot farther away from a store
  • Play with your kids or grandkids outside


Blood pressure measures the amount of force applied to artery walls when the heart pumps blood throughout the body.  This force and the amount of blood pumped along with size and flexibility of arteries determines your blood pressure.  A normal blood pressure reading should be around 120/80.  The top number or systolic blood pressure is focused on more as it can rise with age from long-term plaque build-up in arteries.


It is important to measure your blood pressure regularly. This can be done at home, by a machine at a store, or at a blood pressure clinic. CHP offices in Bryan, Defiance, Delphos and Paulding hold public blood pressure clinics.


  • Paulding County Senior Center on the first and third Thursday.
  • Delphos Discount Drugs every third Monday from 9-11am and also at the Delphos Senior Citizens Center on the fourth Monday from 11-1pm.
  • Williams County monthly clinics held throughout the county. Contact the CHP Bryan office at (419) 633-7590 for the next clinic date.
  • Defiance County Senior Center and Chief Supermarket, Defiance. Contact the CHP Defiance office at (419) 782-5411 for the next clinic date.