Palliative Care

Palliative care is similar to hospice care in that both provide comfort and support for patients with a serious or life-limiting disease. However, with palliative care patients may continue curative treatment or therapies.

Palliative care can begin at any point of the disease process, hospice care begins when curative treatment is no longer the goal and the sole focus is quality of life.

The implementation of palliative care can help both patients and family members in the transition from curative treatment to hospice care by:

  • preparing them for physical changes that may occur near the end of life
  • helping them cope with the different thoughts and emotional issues that arise
  • providing support for family members and caregivers

Our caring team is available to provide a free consultation. CHP nurses work with the patient’s primary care doctor and patients may be seen at home, in assisted living, or a nursing care facility.


Let Us Help

If you have questions, please contact our team. We are here to guide you and give you answers.
