Make A Donation


The Angel Foundation
1157 Westwood Dr.
Van Wert, Ohio 45891

P: 419-238-9223 x1129

Make wishes come true!

We are completely reliant upon private, individual donations for funding. Your tax-deductible gift makes wishes become reality!

100% of your donation goes directly to wishes!

Here are some ways you can help:

  • Make a donation – as a nonprofit, 501c3 organization, we depend on donations from individuals, businesses and organizations as our sole source of funding. You can give toward a specific wish or make a general donation to help make wishes come true. Click the link below or print the form and mail us a check.
  • In-Kind Donations  – Businesses that donate services can help too. Hotels, restaurants and transportation are our most common needs, but aren't not limited to these areas.
  • Estate Bequests – Consider including The Angel Foundation in your will. Over the years we have been blessed by individuals who have left a portion of their estate to benefit Angel Foundation wishes.

You may either print out our donation form and mail it to us at the address appearing at the bottom of the form, or you can submit your donation online now by selecting the Donate Now link below.


You'll receive an email notification and a receipt as confirmation of your donation.

Thank You!